
UnisonSteadfast – the Global Divisions in Germany, North America, China and Spain

International insurance management teams in Hamburg, Chicago, Shanghai and Xàbia centrally manage UnisonSteadfast's operations. Supported responsively by experienced staff, members can pursue their day-to-day business efficiently in any country around the world.

UnisonSteadfast AG Hamburg

Management Board

Wolfgang Mercier
President & CEO
Business Organization

Rolf Hiroshi Diekhoff
Director Account Management
Muriel Mercier
Director Business Development
Management Assistance

Polina Balko
Executive Assistant to CEO
Melinda Keller
Management Assistant/ Content Editorial Manager
Account Management

Oliver Koops
Senior Account Executive
Jenny-Annett Kubina
Senior Account Executive/ UnisonSteadfast Liaison Officer Southern Europe and Latin America
Mailin Mühlheim
Account Executive
Florian Gude
Account Manager
Marijana Ivkovic
Junior Account Manager
Matthew Lee
Junior Account Manager
Moritz V. Gliewe
Junior Account Manager
Elena Burmann
Account Assistant
Michelle Gerstner
Account Assistant
Finance & Controlling

Tim-Ole Bockholt
Head of Accounting & Controlling
Melanie Schmalenberg
Billing Specialist
Human Ressources

Katrin Ritter
Management Assistant Business Development & HR
Marketing & Creative Department

Marta Podkowinska
Marketing Manager

Nikolaj Petak
Senior Systems Engineer
UnisonSteadfast Corp. Chicago

Wolfgang Mercier
President & CEO

+49 (0)40 80 90 729 – 10

Tim Higgins
Senior Vice President
UnisonSteadfast Liaison Office Southern Europe

Jenny-Annett Kubina,
Senior Account Executive/ UnisonSteadfast Liaison Officer Southern Europe and Latin America