
Membership with an active worldwide community

The name UnisonSteadfast stands for a fair, strong and active community on a membership basis, which is the solid groundwork for the global co-operation within the network. Our special approach to connecting the different parties of the international insurance business and helping solve their complex individual insurance needs has created a tight network of strong and professional members that can rely on each other. This not only applies to broker members, insurers and other special co-operation members, but also to corporate clients, who are indeed ultimately the focus of our services.

Transparency and membership are the core principles of our community - and we take steps to see that these values are also reflected by our business partners.





Our services address four main target groups:

  1. Corporate Clients

    You work for a medium-sized company and would like to establish foreign subsidiaries or expand your business abroad. There are many issues to take care of. UnisonSteadfast as your global insurance coordinator helps you find the right local broker member to implement the coverages you need. We can provide you with direct access to broker members, insurers and co-operation members of our network and take the necessary steps so you can receive high-quality service from real personal contacts.

  2. Insurers

    UnisonSteadfast can connect insurers with local broker members and direct clients from other markets. Via our global community, we can provide our members with access to local insurance experts in many countries around the globe. This enables you as a local insurer to make new contacts and act on an international scale.

  3. Broker members

    To provide a high level of professional support to your clients as well as help fulfill their international insurance requirements, you need a solid network of experts with extensive knowledge and detailed information about the local markets. We can assist you as a broker member in building your international business and in providing global service with a unique compliant quality standard.

  4. Co-operation Partners

    When it comes to international insurance business, there are many factors to consider – including ones beyond insurance. That is why we partner with selected external service providers to complement our service offer. Certified loss adjusters, risk engineers, evaluation specialists, captive managers, tax and legal advisors and many more are part of our global expert network. We are open to establish further co-operation to assist you with promoting your international business in your area of expertise in an insurance-related sector. In return, our broker members and their clients can benefit from this special co-operation.
Would you like to become a member of our broker network? Fill out the form and join us now